Do you find that some days are joyful and exhilarating, while other days are marked by storms and rough waters? The voyage of life is anything but predictable and safe. Using the story of Paul’s journey to Rome as a guide for the journey of life, Kay Burnett shows how God calls each believer to this voyage and invites us to relish every moment of it with Him. With keen insight and practical application, Kay reminds us to trust in God, our Captain. Through these biblical principles from Paul’s journey, you will:
† Learn to be obedient to the duties and disciplines of your spiritual life
† Discover how to hear the voice of God and be confident in His guidance
† Have the faith and courage to say yes to God’s direction for your life
Are you willing to step off the dock and place your life in the hands of the One who spoke the seas into existence? He uses even our mishaps and mistakes for great and loving purposes. He alone is trustworthy to chart the course for your life.
Our facilitator, Sue Utter, is certainly God’s appointed for this time. She is both loving an approachable, and takes this role prayerfully expecting God to lead this study. Embark on this four week voyage with us Tuesday evenings from 6pm-7:30 May 15th thru June 5th. The cost of the book for this Study is $16.
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