Trustworthy Book Study

Looking for the Women’s Book Study?

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This study will be a 4-week study.
We will need to modify our weeks from the weeks in the book.
The book has the study divided into an Introduction plus 7 weeks.
We will follow the below schedule to keep up with the study each week.

When the book arrives, start reading Intro & Week 1 to prepare for our First Women’s Ministry Facebook Live!
May 21st – Facebook Live at 7 pm, Start reading Weeks 2 & 3.
May 28th – Facebook Live at 7 pm, Start reading Weeks 4 & 5.
June 4 – Facebook Live at 7 pm, Start reading Weeks 6 & 7.
June 11 – Facebook Live at 7 pm, Final meeting to talk about Weeks 6 & 7.

On page 10 of the book is the first instruction to watch the Introduction video. This video can be found at (note: These videos are VERY LARGE, about 1 gig each. If your internet is too slow or you have limited phone data then you may view the lower resolution versions of the videos below on this page).
There will be prompts throughout the book to watch a video which corresponds with the week. When you get to the prompt please go online and watch the coordinating video and then answer the video discussion questions in the book. We will be discussing some of these questions as a group during our Facebook Live.
Come to the Facebook Live prepared to fellowship with other women and receive what God has for you in Trustworthy: A Study of the Life and Character of Daniel.



Week 1 – Faithful

Week 2 – Courageous

Week 3 – Humble

Week 4 – Steadfast

Week 5 – Visionary

Week 6 – Prayerful

Week 7 – Promised

Past Live Stream Meetings

May 21st (Intro & Chapter 1)

May 28th (Chapters 2 & 3)

June 4th (Chapters 4 & 5)

June 11th (Chapters 6 & 7)