Our next water baptism Sunday is April 14, 2024
Please fill out this form this form. You will be contacted about the Baptismal Class and Service.
- Please invite your family and friends to witness your act of obedience to God’s Word.
- Plan to attend the Water Baptism class the Sunday you are baptized. At that time we will cover the logistics and have an in depth look at water baptism and what it means to you.
- The class begins at 9:00 am in the church foyer.
- Please bring a Bible and pen.
- You will need to bring a complete change of clothing, a towel and flip-flops.
- You must be 7 years or older to be water baptized.
If you have any questions regarding water baptism please contact us at info@newsongpdx.com or call the church office at 503-493-1301.
Understanding Water Baptism
by Pastor Richard Probasco
by Pastor Richard Probasco
As a community of believers we believe that water baptism is a very essential and important act of obedience to the Word of God. Jesus set the example for us to follow in John 1:29-33. The word baptize comes from the Greek verb baptidzo which means “to immerse” totally an object in another substance and bring them out again.
The spiritual significance of water baptism is that it symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and our identification with Him by undergoing this ordinance of the church. The scripture makes reference to Jesus as being the last Adam (I Corinthians 15:21-45). When a person receives Jesus and declares Him Lord of their life he identifies fully with what happened to Him by being baptized. This physical act leaves an indelible mark in our hearts and memory of what Christ has done for us.
Baptism is a prime opportunity to share our faith and commitment to Christ with our friends and family. It can be a powerful testimony to unbelievers declaring of our choice to follow a new way of living.
We do not believe that baptism is a means to obtain salvation. When we are born again the blood that Jesus shed on the cross saves us, not the water, whereby we are baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 9:22). A person must be baptized into the body of Christ (saved), before water baptism. Water baptism follows our commitment to Christ as a confirmation and strength to our commitment to live a godly life.
The waters of baptism represent the burial ground of your old life and the old you; death to self. Coming up out of the water signifies being raised to new life in Jesus. We rise up a new person committed and submitted to God’s will and purpose for our life. Romans 6:11-13 is the statement of every believer who will follow the Lord’s commandment to be baptized. Baptism certifies there is new ownership and occupancy of our life and body.
As a community of believers we recommend that believers be baptized as soon as possible after their conversion.