Kindergarten (4 thru 6 years)

Greetings Parents & Families,

We are excited to inform you that we are now re-opening our 4-Kindergarten class on Sundays in our community center.

We have created a class schedule and atmosphere designed to keep your child engaged and safe. Each activity has precise stations, chairs or seating spots on rugs that are pre-distanced. As children at this age get distracted or go in their own direction easily, the class schedule is designed with small 5 to 10-minute activities that change where the kids are and the activity they are engaged in. Snacks are distributed from sealed containers using gloves and masks and children must wash hands or use hand sanitizer before snack time.


Our children’s classes start at 10am. Please bring your child to the community center door under the breezeway. A security team member will let you in and direct you to the classroom to drop off your child. While we are practicing distancing and hand washing/sanitizing we do ask that you bring a mask for your child and encourage them to use it (we have extra if you forget). You can use the same door at the end of service (roughly 11:20) and a security team member will let you in to pick up your child.

We encourage you to consider bringing your child this Sunday and moving forward. This week we are beginning a unit of 6 lessons focusing on how Jesus Does Great Things. The first lesson is Jesus Heals an Official’s Son from John chapter 4. Below you will find a more detailed description of the focus of this unit and the lessons for the next several weeks.

We sincerely hope to be able to serve you and your children with an opportunity to tell them about Jesus and to demonstrate his love.

Please don’t hesitate to text or call me with your questions or concerns at 503-422-0777
We hope to see you and your little ones this Sunday!


Pastor Chuck Lindholm
Executive Pastor
New Song Community Church

Parent Letter about Curriculum

Parent Letter about Curriculum